VCU Transform as a unit empowers and supports students to become transformative and inclusive leaders through engagement in diverse experiential learning opportunities that foster their career readiness and sense of belonging in the VCU and Richmond communities.

The Transform unit will be recognized locally and globally as a:
- Premiere model for student leadership development through experiential learning and community engagement
- Transformative community that demonstrates exemplary peer leadership and mentoring models that support student belonging and career readiness
- Signature example of high impact learning for students’ leadership development in partnership with local and global communities.
Leadership is a process of mutual influence whereby leaders and followers work together to clarify values and achieve common goals. - Adapted from Northouse, 2016.

As a result of participating in VCU Transform initiatives students will:
- Demonstrate an understanding of leadership and community engagement in diverse contexts with cultural agility
- Integrate their academic knowledge with beyond-the-classroom experiences
- Demonstrate increased self-efficacy
- Demonstrate increased sense of belonging
- Showcase their career readiness
100% of students responding to the Transform end of year survey agreed or strongly agreed with the following. As a result of participating in Transform:
- I have developed a clearer understanding of my strengths as a leader
- I have had the opportunity to interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds
- My understanding of those with backgrounds different than my own has increased
- Enhanced by understanding of leadership
- Enhanced my understanding of cultural agility
- I have developed personal relationships with other students at VCU
- 87% of students have an increased sense of belong at VCU
- 87% of students indicated that their participation in VCU Transform contributed positively to their overall experience at VCU