OSLEL Organizational Chart

Rebecca Halligan
Associate Director, Student Leadership and Engaged Learning

New England Proud.  Food fanatic.  Humble musician. Mama bear.

More about Rebecca

Kaylynn Hill
Assistant Director, Engaged Learning

World traveler. Ice-cream enthusiast. Dog & Plant Mom. Midwesterner.

More about Kaylynn

Kaylynn Hill Headshot
Jonathan Fuller
Assistant Director, Student Leadership

Inclusive Clergyperson.  Reluctant Sports Buff.  Fan of Carbs.  Lover of Justice.

More about Jonathan

Jonathan Fuller Headshot

Michael Rackett, PhD

Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies

Historian. Travel Enthusiast.  River Rat.  Hockey Fan

More about Michael

Michael Rackett Headshot

Kimberly Matthews, PhD

Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Studies

Author, Professor, Researcher, Activist 

More about Kimberly

Kimberly Matthews Headshot

Alinah-Noelle Alegre

Coordinator, VCU Transform

Beach Lover.  Film Geek. Sushi Hoarder.

More about Alinah

Headshot Alinah-Noelle Alegre

A.D. Gabriel Driver

Coordinator, Emerging Leaders Program

Family man. Pursuer of peace. Gotham empath. Redeemed Villain.

More about Gabriel

Driver AG headshot